Planning & Land Use Committee Applicant Protocol
Applicant Protocols:
1. Create a letter to distribute to adjacent property owners/occupants within a 500 foot radius as determined per http://zimas.lacity.org

a. Select the symbol "radius tools" to determine property owners/occupants who will receive the letter.
b. Click here for sample letter in PDF format | sample letter in Docx format
2. The Planning and Land Use Committee meets in person on the last Thursday of each month at 7:00pm. Please include the correct date and time for the meeting you will be presenting at to make sure community members can learn about the project and have an opportunity to provide feedback or ask questions.
3. When you have completed the letter, distributed to adjacent property owners/occupants AND to the GPNC Planning and Land Use Committee, please contact us via e-mail (pluc@glassellparknc.org) to be agendized on an upcoming committee meeting.
a. The Site Plan, Floor Plan and Elevations are the exhibits being requested and/or color exhibits, if available. They can be included in your email to the Planning and Land Use Committee.