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So, you want the GPNC to help you fund something?  There are some things you should know before you show up at one of our board meetings with your request.

  1. Start by emailing the Grants & Funding Committee.  Give a brief description of your project and ask to be put on their next agenda.  We highly recommend funding requests go through committee before being presented to the board.

  2. If your request is for a Neighborhood Purpose Grant (NPG), download the NPG Application and start gathering/organizing the information requested on this form.  You may wish to fill out a rough draft version of the form, but expect your visit to the committee to better inform your process, to make the application as strong as it can be (and conforming to the board’s requirements).

  3. The next step will be to present your proposal to the full board.  After you’ve gone through committee, you’ll receive further instructions as to date and how to prepare any presentation materials (such as digital content to be emailed and displayed at the board meeting with the projector).  We are committed to reducing our paper usage, and highly recommend you refrain from bringing print-outs: let the board see your presentation materials through digital means.

  4. Please submit a Project Completion Report Form when funds are received or the event takes place.  The form is to be submitted to so that our treasurer can receive it and submit it to the city.

  5. Just be aware that in all cases, committees and the board alike, no discussion or votes of your proposal can take place unless it appears on the agenda (Brown Act).  Make sure you are on the agenda before you show up at any meeting.


© 2023 Glassell Park Neighborhood Council.  Created by K. Smith, The Mailroom

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